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  • Branden M 4:14 pm on May 20, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: D.A.R.E   

    D.A.R.E Essay 

    Today in the  Reading Workshop we are starting our D.A.R.E essay. We haft to write about everything we learned this year in D.A.R.E. Here is my essay.

    This year in D.A.R.E I have leaned many ways to make healthy choices.  For instance, I got to try the D.U.I goggles that lets you see out of someone who drinks eyes.  I also learned that drinking messes up your brain cells. That is why alcohol is illegal for anyone under the age of 21. So that is why I am never going to drink.

    I learned that smoking can turn your lungs black. It can also turn your skin all wrinkly and turn your teeth yellow. Around 400,000 people die each your from lung cancer.  Lung cancer is mainly caused by smoking. The tar from the cigarette gets stuck in your lungs and builds up over time, causing your lungs to slowly take in oxygen and eventually stop taking in oxygen. This has had a big impact on me because it helped me finally to get my dad to stop smoking.

    One of the biggest things that get kids like me to smoke and drink is peer pressure. I have learned many ways to resist peer pressure. Here they are:

    • avoiding the situation
    • strength in numbers
    • walking away
    • cold shoulder
    • saying “no”
    • giving a reason or fact
    • changing the subject
    • skipping CD
    • use humor

    In the future I will probably be pressured, but if I remember the facts about peer pressure than I can avoid it. An example is if someone comes up to me and asks me to have a beer my answer will always say no. If they keep asking than I will do the “skipping CD” witch is just repeating my answer. Finally, if that doesn’t work than I will walk away.

    My commitment to make wise decisions is to never do drugs. Also, I will never to drink alcohol. Finally, I will never smoke or chew tobacco. Doing these will keep me healthy and to be able to do stuff a smoker or someone who drinks couldn’t do.

    • Nash 6:55 pm on May 24, 2010 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I think this is a really good essay. I also have someone in my family who used to smoke but finally I got them to stop. I think that your plan to refuse beer is a good plan. This would be a good plan for refusing anything, especially things that aren’t good for you.

    • jimmyc22 6:41 pm on May 26, 2010 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I think that it is a good idea to not to do drugs.I really think that it is a good thing to refuse to drink.I have been trying to get my dad off of smoking but he just keeps smoking.

  • Branden M 4:34 pm on May 12, 2010 Permalink |

    Ideas For My Book 

    Today in the Reading Workshop we are continuing to come up with ideas for a book. Here are my ideas.

    Create your characters and develop their characteristics and physical traits.  Is there a villain and what is he/she like?  How does the bad guy impact the story? Michal has blond hair and blue eyes. He is the running-back for the Ohio State Buckeyes . Ben has brown hair and brown eyes. He is the quarterback for the Buckeyes. Matt has blond hair and green eyes. He is one of the top receivers for the Buckeyes. Finally, there is Ryan. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He is the top receiver on the Buckeyes.

    The setting takes place at a bunch of football fields and at the school. The story takes place on modern day Ohio. The setting affects the story by giving each team a stadium full of screaming fans.

    The problem is Ben, Matt, Michal, and Ryan want to lead the Buckeyes to a championship but they haven’t been there for years. The problem will affect Ben because he made a big mistake in last year’s play-off game and people are starting to doubt him.

    A sudden crisis that will happen is Ben gets injured in the championship game and doesn’t know if he can play again. Coach Smith gives him an option, play and have a chance of getting hurt worse or stay out and have a chance of loosing the championship. What would you do?

    A lesson Ben will learn is to not pay attention to what people have to say that is negative about you and care about people that think positive about you. He will also learn life is not easy when you just give up. You will haft to work to achieve.

  • Branden M 4:29 pm on May 12, 2010 Permalink |

    Story Ideas…. 

    Today in the Reading Workshop we are writing down ideas for a book we are writing. Here are the questions I am answering today about my book.

    How many characters will there be? 4

    What are the names of the characters? Michal, Ben, Matt and Ryan

    Who is the main character? Ben

    Where does the story take place? Ohio

    When does the story take place? 2010

    What will happen in the story? Ben leads the Bucks to a championship and gets injured.
    What problems occur? Ben gets injured in the championship game.
    What moral or lesson will be learned? Ben will learn that you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. Also to never give up on a dream.
  • Branden M 5:10 pm on April 27, 2010 Permalink |  

    You Can Do It! 

    Have you done everything you needed to do for the achievement test? If you did then YOU WILL PASS! If you try your best in everything than you will succeed. Here is a video from the Reading Workshop.


    Can you do it?

  • Branden M 12:39 am on April 17, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: Soul Sister   

    Soul Sister 

    Have you ever had a song that keeps playing in your head? Well that is the way with me on the song Soul Sister by Train. Here is their offical music video presented by VEVO.

    What songs do you have that are stuck in your head?

    • Brandon 4:59 pm on April 27, 2010 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I have so many songs that get stuck in my head. The one that I actually have that will not leave me alone where ever I go is She’s Country by Jason Aldean. There is two more I have that is the same way. The name of that song is Backwoods by Justin Moore, and Hillbilly Bone by Blake Shelton.

  • Branden M 5:01 pm on April 13, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: Potential   

    What is Your Potential Comment 

    Today in the Reading Workshop we read a post on potential and had to write a comment about what our potential is. Here is my comment.

    I am really close to reaching my potential. Right now I would give myself an 80 when my goal is for around an 85. I gave myself such a high score because I always try my best to succeed in school and sports. It is starting to show in school. For 2 grading periods in a row my math grade was a C, but I put up my best and brought it up to a B.

    Here is the video from the Reading Workshop from the movie Facing the Giants.

    The Death Crawl

    How close are you to reaching your potential?  What would your score be on the potentialmeter?  What is your best and what can you do to reach it?

  • Branden M 4:58 pm on April 9, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: Halo 3   


    This game has broke X-box 360 records. Guess what game it is. Halo. I have heard that a Halo movie is coming out on d.v.d soon called Halo Legends. Also, in a magazine I read a new Halo game is coming out. I forgot the name of it but it seems good.

    • Josh 2:47 pm on April 10, 2010 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I have played this game and it is one of the best I’ve played. The Halo Legends d.v.d is already out and the new Halo game is going to be called Halo Reach, it is coming out this fall and is going to be better then Halo 3.

  • Branden M 5:14 pm on April 1, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: About My Book   

    About My Book 

    The book I am reading is Eragon by Christopher Paolini. It is about a 15-year-old boy named Eragon that lives with his cousin, Roren, and his uncle, Garrow. Life for Eragon was peaceful until he found a blue stone while hunting in a forbidden hunting ground called the Spine. It turned out that the stone was a dragon egg! After the egg hatched everything went down hill for Eragon. Roren leaves for a job and Garrow is murdered by king Galbitorix’s men called the Ra’zac. So Eragon and a storyteller named Brom go on a journey to hunt down the Ra’zac and kill them.

  • Branden M 5:28 pm on March 26, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: Comment   

    Liberty Mutual Commercial Comment 

    Today in the Reading Workshop we are putting a comment of ours from the Reading Workshop on the Liberty Mutual commercial. Here is my comment.

    I have seen a person who should be included.
    Who I think should be included is Justin G. One day I was having trouble on study island and he came over to me and helped me pass.

    If you think someone you know should be included then leave a comment.

  • Branden M 4:45 pm on March 20, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: The Best Part About My Book   

    The Best Part About My Book 

    Today in the Reading Workshop we are writing a post on our favorite part of our book and what got us to keep reading it.

    The book I am reading is called Eragon by Christopher Paolini. The thing about it that kept me reading it is it is full of adventure. Every time I read it something more exciting happens every time. What I think is cool about it is the main character, Eragon, is out to find his uncles killers called the Razac.

    That is what is keeping me reading it.

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