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  • Branden M 4:34 pm on May 12, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: Story Ideas   

    Ideas For My Book 

    Today in the Reading Workshop we are continuing to come up with ideas for a book. Here are my ideas.

    Create your characters and develop their characteristics and physical traits.  Is there a villain and what is he/she like?  How does the bad guy impact the story? Michal has blond hair and blue eyes. He is the running-back for the Ohio State Buckeyes . Ben has brown hair and brown eyes. He is the quarterback for the Buckeyes. Matt has blond hair and green eyes. He is one of the top receivers for the Buckeyes. Finally, there is Ryan. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He is the top receiver on the Buckeyes.

    The setting takes place at a bunch of football fields and at the school. The story takes place on modern day Ohio. The setting affects the story by giving each team a stadium full of screaming fans.

    The problem is Ben, Matt, Michal, and Ryan want to lead the Buckeyes to a championship but they haven’t been there for years. The problem will affect Ben because he made a big mistake in last year’s play-off game and people are starting to doubt him.

    A sudden crisis that will happen is Ben gets injured in the championship game and doesn’t know if he can play again. Coach Smith gives him an option, play and have a chance of getting hurt worse or stay out and have a chance of loosing the championship. What would you do?

    A lesson Ben will learn is to not pay attention to what people have to say that is negative about you and care about people that think positive about you. He will also learn life is not easy when you just give up. You will haft to work to achieve.

  • Branden M 4:29 pm on May 12, 2010 Permalink |
    Tags: Story Ideas   

    Story Ideas…. 

    Today in the Reading Workshop we are writing down ideas for a book we are writing. Here are the questions I am answering today about my book.

    How many characters will there be? 4

    What are the names of the characters? Michal, Ben, Matt and Ryan

    Who is the main character? Ben

    Where does the story take place? Ohio

    When does the story take place? 2010

    What will happen in the story? Ben leads the Bucks to a championship and gets injured.
    What problems occur? Ben gets injured in the championship game.
    What moral or lesson will be learned? Ben will learn that you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. Also to never give up on a dream.
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